Futura-CondensedLight-Thin Font
Below you can see an example of the Futura-CondensedLight-Thin font.
All our fonts, including the Futura-CondensedLight-Thin font can be downloaded for free as long as you respect the rights defined by the author of the font.
Basic : Sans Serif
TruetypeNumber of Glyphs:
Number of Characters:
copyright: t
This is a commercial font and can't be downloaded here.
This font supports numbers, lowercase characters, uppercase characters and accented characters.
List of supported unicode character blocks with number of characters:
- Basic Latin = 95 of 128 characters
- Latin-1 Supplement = 96 of 128 characters
- Latin Extended-A = 61 of 128 characters
- Latin Extended-B = 1 of 208 characters
- Spacing Modifier Letters = 9 of 80 characters
- Greek = 12 of 135 characters
- General Punctuation = 17 of 111 characters
- Superscripts and Subscripts = 1 of 42 characters
- Currency Symbols = 2 of 32 characters
- Letterlike Symbols = 1 of 80 characters
- Arrows = 7 of 112 characters
- Mathematical Operators = 16 of 256 characters
- Miscellaneous Technical = 4 of 256 characters
- Box Drawing = 40 of 128 characters
- Block Elements = 8 of 32 characters
- Geometric Shapes = 10 of 96 characters
- Miscellaneous Symbols = 11 of 256 characters
- Private Use = 3 of 6140 characters
Sans Serif fonts are clean and modern, perfect for digital content, websites, and designs where readability is key..
This font is a truetype font that was uploaded on 13.12.2006.
The license of this font is Unknown. This means that we do not have enough information to decide what the license of this font is. It does not mean that the font is free. The license information was not included in the font or in the information provided. Before using this font it is best to check the license with the author.
Disclaimer : Pickafont regularly checks to ensure that the fonts in its database are indeed
freeware, shareware, demoware or come under an open source license.
Please contact us if you find any fonts that you can download which are not free
or violate a copyright. We will then fix it as soon as possible.
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